生命科学 医药健康 基础科学 工程技术 信息科学 资源环境 前沿交叉 政策管理
来源:留学基金委 发布时间:2008-1-8 14:45:6
留学基金委 肯塔基大学和宾州大学招收访问学者
Visiting Scholar in Biomedical Optics:
The Optical Lab in the Center for Biomedical Engineering, University of Kertucky,, invites applications for visiting scholars.The Lab develops optical methodologies for assaying tissues in vivo.The research encompasses all aspects of optical imaging and spectroscopy ranging from cellular lengthscales to large tissue volumes such as the muscle and brain .It is concerned with muscle vascular disease,cancer detection & therapeutics,brain functional activation &mechanisms,and the coupling between physiological responses and optical signals.Responsibilities will consist of design and development of experimental spectroscopy/imaging systems,image reconstruction algorithms,and in vivo interdisciplinary research group including biomedical engineers,imaging scientists,and clinicians.
QUALIFICATIONS: A Ph.D.degree in engineering,physical sciences or equivalent is required and preference will be given to applicants with a proven track record in biomedical research .Experience in the following is highly desired:electro-optic experimental design,3-D imaging reconsruction,physiological monitoring,and programming(Matlab,Labview,and C).To apply,submit CV,astatement of interests in biomedical optics and the names of three references.
Guoqiang Yu,Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Center for Biomedical Engineering
Wenner-Gren Research Lab
University of Kentucky
Lexington,KY 40506-0070
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