A Plethora of Plasmonics from the Laboratory for Nanophotonics at Rice University (Adv. Mater. 36/2012)
图评:Rice University 不仅仅对自己的纳米科学研究很感兴趣,对自己的表现方式也是同样很感兴趣。上一期尝试过了趣味的版画风格,这一期认真的低调了一下,用石墨烯衬底,在上面摆满了大大小小的“金蛋”,让观众有发现了财宝一般的乐趣,材质表面用磨砂的质感来表达分量,而不是闪闪的金属光泽。磨砂的处理让元素既有重量感又有昂贵的价值感,如果用了金属的色泽这张设计就会变得庸俗而轻浮。
Plasmonic materials have properties that arise from their hybridized plasmons, a rigorous analogy with the molecular orbitals of quantum systems – a principle discovered at the Laboratory for Nanophotonics at Rice. The ensuing creation of plasmonic-nanostructure based media by a variety of synthesis and fabrication methods is resulting in a proliferation of new plasmonic materials and effects identified through both discovery and design. Further details can be found on p. 4842 in a review by Naomi Halas and co-workers.