来源:Food Production, Processing and Nutrition 发布时间:2019/11/13 11:02:55
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论文标题:Chitooligosaccharides from squid pen prepared using different enzymes: characteristics and the effect on quality of surimi gel during refrigerated storage

期刊:Food Production, Processing and Nutrition

作者:Avtar Singh, Soottawat Benjakul et.al


数字识别码: 10.1186/s43014-019-0005-4

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2019年10月,Food Production,Processing and Nutrition 在线发表了泰国宋卡王子大学 Soottawat Benjakul 教授课题组题为“Chitooligosaccharides from squid pen prepared using different enzymes: characteristics and the effect on quality of surimi gel during refrigerated storage”的研究论文。









Soottawat Benjakul,食品科学博士,泰国宋卡王子大学食品技术学院教授,主要从事食品化学和生物化学的研究,水产加工副产物的高值化利用的研究。Benjakul教授在其研究领域具有较高的国际声誉,发表了600多篇论文,参与书籍撰写30余章节,被Tomson Reuters评为2016年全球高被引研究学者,并多次荣获泰国政府颁发的杰出科学家奖。

Food Production, Processing and Nutrition


The Food Production, Processing and Nutrition journal aims to provide a unique dedicated forum for publication of the highest quality and novel contributions in the field. Both fundamental research and applied areas are of interest and these extend to food production with respect to variety improvement and selection as well as green processing. Food safety, elimination of contaminants, and retention of nutrients and bioactive components that play a role in health promotion of consumers, are important aspects that will be covered. Production technologies, absorption, bioavailability and personalized nutrition with consideration of gut microbiota are also of interest to the journal. Results may be communicated in the form of original research, reviews.

摘要:Chitooligosaccharides (COS) from squid pen produced using amylase, lipase and pepsin were characterized. COS produced by 8% (w/w) lipase (COS-L) showed the maximum FRAP and ABTS radical scavenging activity than those prepared using other two enzymes. COS-L had the average molecular weight (MW) of 79 kDa, intrinsic viscosity of 0.41 dL/g and water solubility of 49%. DPPH, ABTS radical scavenging activities, FRAP and ORAC of COS-L were 5.68, 322.68, 5.66 and 42.20 μmol TE/g sample, respectively. Metal chelating activity was 2.58 μmol EE/g sample. For antibacterial activity, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of COS-L against the targeted bacteria were in the range of 0.31–4.91 mg/mL and 0.62–4.91 mg/mL, respectively. Sardine surimi gel added with 1% (w/w) COS-L showed the lower PV, TBARS and microbial growth during 10 days of storage at 4 °C. COS-L from squid pen could inhibit lipid oxidation and extend the shelf-life of refrigerated sardine surimi gel.


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