美国哈佛大学Emily P. Balskus课题组和加州大学旧金山分校Peter J. Turnbaugh课题组合作的一项最新研究,发现了一个种间肠道细菌左旋多巴代谢通路,并通过药物抑制了帕金森患者体内菌群的该代谢通路的相关酶活性。 该项研究成果发表在2019年6月14日出版的《科学》上。
Title: Discovery and inhibition of an interspecies gut bacterial pathway for Levodopa metabolism
Author: Vayu Maini Rekdal, Elizabeth N. Bess, Jordan E. Bisanz, Peter J. Turnbaugh, Emily P. Balskus
Issue&Volume: VOL 364, ISSUE 6445,14 JUNE 2019
Abstract: The human gut microbiota metabolizes the Parkinson’s disease medication Levodopa (L-dopa), potentially reducing drug availability and causing side effects. However, the organisms, genes, and enzymes responsible for this activity in patients and their susceptibility to inhibition by host-targeted drugs are unknown. Here, we describe an interspecies pathway for gut bacterial L-dopa metabolism. Conversion of L-dopa to dopamine by a pyridoxal phosphate-dependent tyrosine decarboxylase from Enterococcus faecalis is followed by transformation of dopamine to m-tyramine by a molybdenum-dependent dehydroxylase from Eggerthella lenta. These enzymes predict drug metabolism in complex human gut microbiotas. Although a drug that targets host aromatic amino acid decarboxylase does not prevent gut microbial L-dopa decarboxylation, we identified a compound that inhibits this activity in Parkinson’s patient microbiotas and increases L-dopa bioavailability in mice.
DOI: DOI: 10.1126/science.aau6323
Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/364/6445/eaau6323