美国德克萨斯大学Ryan E. Hibbs、德国神经退行性疾病中心Harald Prüss等研究人员合作揭示GABAA受体自身免疫性脑炎的结构机制。相关论文于2022年7月7日发表在《细胞》杂志上。
Title: Structural mechanisms of GABAA receptor autoimmune encephalitis
Author: Colleen M. Noviello, Jakob Kreye, Jinfeng Teng, Harald Prüss, Ryan E. Hibbs
Issue&Volume: 2022/07/07
Abstract: Autoantibodies targeting neuronal membrane proteins can cause encephalitis, seizures,and severe behavioral abnormalities. While antibodies for several neuronal targetshave been identified, structural details on how they regulate function are unknown.Here we determined cryo-electron microscopy structures of antibodies derived froman encephalitis patient bound to the γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor. These antibodies induced severe encephalitis by directly inhibiting GABAA function, resulting in nervous-system hyperexcitability. The structures reveal mechanismsof GABAA inhibition and pathology. One antibody directly competes with a neurotransmitterand locks the receptor in a resting-like state. The second antibody targets the subunitinterface involved in binding benzodiazepines and antagonizes diazepam potentiation.We identify key residues in these antibodies involved in specificity and affinityand confirm structure-based hypotheses for functional effects using electrophysiology.Together these studies define mechanisms of direct functional antagonism of neurotransmissionunderlying autoimmune encephalitis in a human patient.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.06.025
Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(22)00730-9