斯堪的纳维亚半岛EURO-CORDEX域上原始和偏差校正后日最大风速的未来预测,这一成果由挪威卑尔根大学 Clio Michel的研究组经过不懈努力而取得。相关论文于2023年2月21日发表在《JGR大气》杂志上。
Title: Future projections of EURO-CORDEX raw and bias-corrected daily maximum wind speeds over Scandinavia
Author: Clio Michel, Asgeir Sorteberg
Issue&Volume: 2023-02-21
Abstract: Twenty historical and future EURO-CORDEX simulations are bias corrected to investigate the future changes in the daily maximum wind speed over Scandinavia. We use quantile mapping to adjust the wind for the historical period (1985-2014) and quantile delta mapping for two future periods (2041-2070, 2071-2100, RCP8.5) with the 3-km spatial resolution NORA3 hindcast as the reference dataset. Decomposing the variance, we find that most of the inter-model spread in the bias and the response to climate change is due to the regional climate model over land and mainly to the general climate model over sea. On average, the mean daily maximum wind speed is projected to increase everywhere except along the western coast of Norway and Denmark. In summer, we see an opposite sign over Sweden and Finland. The Norwegian Sea experiences weaker mean and high wind whereas the Baltic Sea experiences a strengthening. Bias correction influences the amplitude of the response, not the response pattern. Wind speed distributions can have different shapes in the future, with, for example, a flattening of the distribution off the coast of Norway with more frequent weak and very strong winds. Apart from a few locations in Norway, we find an increase in the number of days in the local highest historical wind category. Overall, summer exhibits opposite signals compared to the three other seasons. At country scale, the sign of the change in the mean and 98th percentile varies greatly depending on the region and among the simulations, especially for Norway.
DOI: 10.1029/2022JD037953
Source: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2022JD037953
Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres:《地球物理研究杂志:大气》,创刊于1984年。隶属于美国地球物理联合会,最新IF:5.217