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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/3/23 14:34:18






Title: Sensory circuitry controls cytosolic calcium-mediated phytochrome B phototransduction

Author: Yan Zhao, Hui Shi, Ying Pan, Mohan Lyu, Zhixuan Yang, Xiaoxia Kou, Xing Wang Deng, Shangwei Zhong

Issue&Volume: 2023/03/16

Abstract: Although Ca2+ has long been recognized as an obligatory intermediate in visual transduction, itsrole in plant phototransduction remains elusive. Here, we report a Ca2+ signaling that controls photoreceptor phyB nuclear translocation in etiolated seedlingsduring dark-to-light transition. Red light stimulates acute cytosolic Ca2+ increases via phyB, which are sensed by Ca2+-binding protein kinases, CPK6 and CPK12 (CPK6/12). Upon Ca2+ activation, CPK6/12 in turn directly interact with and phosphorylate photo-activatedphyB at Ser80/Ser106 to initiate phyB nuclear import. Non-phosphorylatable mutation,phyBS80A/S106A, abolishes nuclear translocation and fails to complement phyB mutant, which is fully restored by combining phyBS80A/S106A with a nuclear localization signal. We further show that CPK6/12 function specificallyin the early phyB-mediated cotyledon expansion, while Ser80/Ser106 phosphorylationgenerally governs phyB nuclear translocation. Our results uncover a biochemical regulatoryloop centered in phyB phototransduction and provide a paradigm for linking ubiquitousCa2+ increases to specific responses in sensory stimulus processing.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.02.011

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(23)00128-9
