Title: Mid-circuit correction of correlated phase errors using an array of spectator qubits
Author: K. Singh, C. E. Bradley, S. Anand, V. Ramesh, R. White, H. Bernien
Issue&Volume: 2023-05-25
Abstract: Scaling up invariably error-prone quantum processors is a formidable challenge. Although quantum error correction ultimately promises fault-tolerant operation, the required qubit overhead and error thresholds are daunting. In a complementary proposal, co-located, auxiliary ‘spectator’ qubits act as in-situ probes of noise, and enable real-time, coherent corrections of data qubit errors. We use an array of cesium spectator qubits to correct correlated phase errors on an array of rubidium data qubits. By combining in-sequence readout, data processing, and feed-forward operations, these correlated errors are suppressed within the execution of the quantum circuit. The protocol is broadly applicable to quantum information platforms, and establishes key tools for scaling neutral-atom quantum processors: mid-circuit readout of atom arrays, real-time processing and feed-forward, and coherent mid-circuit reloading of atomic qubits.
DOI: ade5337
Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.ade5337