Title: Tandem propane dehydrogenation and surface oxidation catalysts for selective propylene synthesis
Author: Wei Wang, Sai Chen, Chunlei Pei, Ran Luo, Jiachen Sun, Hongbo Song, Guodong Sun, Xianhui Wang, Zhi-Jian Zhao, Jinlong Gong
Issue&Volume: 2023-07-27
Abstract: Direct propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene is a desirable commercial reaction but is highly endothermic and severely limited by thermodynamic equilibrium. Oxidative routes that oxidatively remove hydrogen as water have safety and cost challenges. We couple chemical looping selective H2 combustion and PDH with multifunctional FeVO4-VOx redox catalysts. Well-dispersed VOx supported on Al2O3 provides dehydrogenation sites, and adjacent nanoscale FeVO4 acts as oxygen carriers for subsequent H2 combustion. We achieve an integral performance of 81.3% propylene selectivity at 42.7% propane conversion at 550°C for 200 chemical looping cycles for re-oxidizing FeVO4. Based on catalytic experiments, spectroscopic characterization, and theory calculations, we propose a hydrogen spillover-mediated coupling mechanism. The hydrogen species generated at the VOx sites migrated to adjacent FeVO4 for combustion, which shifted PDH toward propylene. This mechanism is favored by the proximity between catalytic and combustion sites.
DOI: adi3416
Source: https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.adi3416