新加坡国立大学John Chen等研究人员合作发现,横向转导通过捎带实现双致病岛转移。2023年8月3日,国际知名学术期刊《细胞》发表了这一成果。
Title: Dual pathogenicity island transfer by piggybacking lateral transduction
Author: Melissa Su Juan Chee, Ester Serrano, Yin Ning Chiang, Joshua Harling-Lee, Rebecca Man, Rodrigo Bacigalupe, J. Ross Fitzgerald, José R. Penadés, John Chen
Issue&Volume: 2023/08/03
Abstract: Lateral transduction (LT) is the process by which temperate phages mobilize largesections of bacterial genomes. Despite its importance, LT has only been observed duringprophage induction. Here, we report that superantigen-carrying staphylococcal pathogenicity islands (SaPIs) employ a related but more versatileand complex mechanism of gene transfer to drive chromosomal hypermobility while self-transferringwith additional virulence genes from the host. We found that after phage infectionor prophage induction, activated SaPIs form concatamers in the bacterial chromosomeby switching between parallel genomic tracks in replication bubbles. This dynamiclife cycle enables SaPIbov1 to piggyback its LT of staphylococcal pathogenicity islandvSaα, which encodes an array of genes involved in host-pathogen interactions, allowingboth islands to be mobilized intact and transferred in a single infective particle.Our findings highlight previously unknown roles of pathogenicity islands in bacterialvirulence and show that their evolutionary impact extends beyond the genes they carry.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.07.001