据悉,近年来,人们见证了高压实验中发现高Tc氢化物的巨大成功。这是通过与元素周期表上的其他元素制造金属氢“合金”来实现的。虽然Neil Aschcroft提出的最初想法是使用合金来降低生产纯金属氢所需的压力,但稳定这些氢化物所需的压力仍然很高,以至于很难获得磁场完全排出(迈斯纳状态)的原位测量,这是超导的一个定义特征。这种缺陷在迈斯纳效应研究中引发了对新型氢化物超导性主张的多重质疑,并激发了新的技术发展以应对这些挑战。
Title: Magnetic Methods in Studies of New Superconducting Hydrides in a Diamond Anvil Cell
Author: Struzhkin, Viktor V, Mao, Ho-kwang
Issue&Volume: 2024-01-05
Abstract: In recent years, we witnessed a great success in discoveries of the high-Tc hydrides in high pressure experiments. This was achieved by creating metallic hydrogen ‘alloys’ with other elements across the periodic table. Although the original idea suggested by Neil Aschcroft [1] was to use alloying to reduce the pressure required for producing pure metallic hydrogen, the pressures required to stabilize these hydrides are still so high that in-situ measurements of the complete expulsion of the magnetic field (the Meissner state), a defining character of superconductivity, is difficult to obtain. Such deficit of the Meissner effect studies has provoked multiple critiques on claims of superconductivity in these new hydride materials, and stimulated new technical developments to meet these challenges. In this perspective article, we will provide a short summary of the results obtained with four alternative techniques which were used to probe the magnetic field expulsion and the Meissner state in a diamond-avnvil cell (DAC), which is the only high-pressure vessel capable of studying the high Tc superconducting hydrides at very high pressures.
DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nwae005
Source: https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwae005
National Science Review:《国家科学评论》,创刊于2014年。隶属于牛津学术数据库,最新IF:20.6