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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/1/20 11:49:12

中国地质大学(武汉)Timothy Kusky和美国地质调查局Walter D. Mooney及其团队成员,在研究2023年2月6日土耳其东部地震序列的地表变形中取得新进展。相关论文于2024年1月19日发表于国际顶尖学术期刊《科学》杂志上。


据团队研究人员介绍,2023年2月6日,土耳其发生了两次强地震。最初的破裂发生在死海断裂带上,24秒后,当破裂转移到东Anatolian断裂带(EAFZ)时,最大位移和能量释放[矩量级(Mw)7.8]随之发生。7个多小时后,在东Anatolian断裂带和东—西走向的 Cardak-Sürgü断层交界处发生了一次4.5Mw的余震,86分钟后又发生了第二次大地震(7.5Mw),表明前后为一种因果关系。


Title: Surface deformations of the 6 February 2023 earthquake sequence, eastern Türkiye

Author: Jiannan Meng, Timothy Kusky, Walter D. Mooney, Erdin Bozkurt, Mehmet Nuri Bodur, Lu Wang

Issue&Volume: 2024-01-19

Abstract: Two powerful earthquakes struck Türkiye on 6 February 2023. The initial rupture was on the Dead Sea fault zone, yet maximum displacements and energy release [moment magnitude (Mw) 7.8] occurred 24 seconds later when rupture transferred to the East Anatolian fault zone (EAFZ). More than 7 hours later, a Mw 4.5 aftershock at the junction of the EAFZ with the east-west striking Cardak-Sürgü fault was followed 86 minutes later by the second large (Mw 7.5) earthquake, suggesting a causal relationship. We provide quantitative ground and aerial documentation of surface offsets and kinematics from the slipped faults, providing important data on surface deformation during large continental strike-slip earthquakes, rupture propagation mechanisms, and how slip may be transferred between complex fault systems. We also provide insight into how slip along linked fault systems accommodates global plate motions.

DOI: adj3770

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adj3770
