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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/1/20 20:38:35

以色列魏茨曼科学研究所Rony Dahan和Ido Amit共同合作,近期取得重要工作进展。他们研究提出,双特异性树突状T细胞接合剂可增强抗肿瘤免疫。相关研究成果2024年1月18日在线发表于《细胞》杂志上。





Title: Bispecific dendritic-T cell engager potentiates anti-tumor immunity

Author: Yuval Shapir Itai, Oren Barboy, Ran Salomon, Akhiad Bercovich, Ken Xie, Eitan Winter, Tamar Shami, Ziv Porat, Neta Erez, Amos Tanay, Ido Amit, Rony Dahan

Issue&Volume: 2024/01/18

Abstract: Immune checkpoint inhibition treatment using aPD-1 monoclonal antibodies is a promisingcancer immunotherapy approach. However, its effect on tumor immunity is narrow, asmost patients do not respond to the treatment or suffer from recurrence. We show thatthe crosstalk between conventional type I dendritic cells (cDC1) and T cells is essentialfor an effective aPD-1-mediated anti-tumor response. Accordingly, we developed a bispecificDC-T cell engager (BiCE), a reagent that facilitates physical interactions betweenPD-1+ T cells and cDC1. BiCE treatment promotes the formation of active dendritic/T cellcrosstalk in the tumor and tumor-draining lymph nodes. In vivo, single-cell and physical interacting cell analysis demonstrates the distinct andsuperior immune reprogramming of the tumors and tumor-draining lymph nodes treatedwith BiCE as compared to conventional aPD-1 treatment. By bridging immune cells, BiCEpotentiates cell circuits and communication pathways needed for effective anti-tumorimmunity.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.12.011

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(23)01343-0
