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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/12/17 16:14:08

近日,英国诺丁汉大学的Ben Lang及其研究团队取得一项新进展。经过不懈努力,他们对约瑟夫森结激光器中的多体纠缠进行了研究。相关研究成果已于2024年12月16日在国际知名学术期刊《物理评论A》上发表。





Title: Multipartite entanglement in a Josephson junction laser

Author: Ben Lang, Andrew D. Armour

Issue&Volume: 2024/12/16

Abstract: We analyze the entanglement in a model Josephson photonics system in which a dc voltage-biased Josephson junction couples a collection of cavity modes and populates them with microwave photons. Using an approximate quadratic Hamiltonian model, we study the Gaussian entanglement that develops between the modes as the Josephson energy of the system is increased. We find that the modes in the system fall into a series of blocks, with bipartite entanglement generated between modes within a given block. Tripartite entanglement between modes within a given block is also widespread, though it is limited to certain ranges of the Josephson energy. The system could provide an alternative route to generating multimode microwave entanglement, an important resource in quantum technologies, without the need for ac excitation.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.110.062611

Source: https://journals.aps.org/pra/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevA.110.062611


Physical Review A:《物理评论A》,创刊于1970年。隶属于美国物理学会,最新IF:2.97