英国利物浦大学Cooper, Andrew I.报道了作为有机分子金属光催化剂配方发现指南的顺序闭环贝叶斯优化策略。相关研究成果发表在2024年6月11日出版的《自然—化学》。
Title: Sequential closed-loop Bayesian optimization as a guide for organic molecular metallophotocatalyst formulation discovery
Author: Li, Xiaobo, Che, Yu, Chen, Linjiang, Liu, Tao, Wang, Kewei, Liu, Lunjie, Yang, Haofan, Pyzer-Knapp, Edward O., Cooper, Andrew I.
Issue&Volume: 2024-06-11
Abstract: Conjugated organic photoredox catalysts (OPCs) can promote a wide range of chemical transformations. It is challenging to predict the catalytic activities of OPCs from first principles, either by expert knowledge or by using a priori calculations, as catalyst activity depends on a complex range of interrelated properties. Organic photocatalysts and other catalyst systems have often been discovered by a mixture of design and trial and error. Here we report a two-step data-driven approach to the targeted synthesis of OPCs and the subsequent reaction optimization for metallophotocatalysis, demonstrated for decarboxylative sp3–sp2 cross-coupling of amino acids with aryl halides. Our approach uses a Bayesian optimization strategy coupled with encoding of key physical properties using molecular descriptors to identify promising OPCs from a virtual library of 560 candidate molecules. This led to OPC formulations that are competitive with iridium catalysts by exploring just 2.4% of the available catalyst formulation space (107 of 4,500 possible reaction conditions).
DOI: 10.1038/s41557-024-01546-5
Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41557-024-01546-5
Nature Chemistry:《自然—化学》,创刊于2009年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:24.274