Title: Electric nuclear quadrupole coupling reveals dissociation of HCl with a few water molecules
Author: Fan Xie, Denis S. Tikhonov, Melanie Schnell
Issue&Volume: 2024-06-06
Abstract: Investigating the dissociation of acids in the presence of a limited number of water molecules is crucial for understanding various elementary chemical processes. In our study focusing on HCl(H2O)n clusters formed in a cold and isolated jet expansion, we utilized the nuclear quadrupole coupling tensor obtained via rotational spectroscopy to decipher the nature of the H-Cl chemical bond in a micro-aqueous environment. For n = 1 to 4, the H-Cl bond is covalent. At n = 5 and 7, the contact ion pair of H3O+Cl is spontaneously formed within the hydrogen bond networks of “book” and “cube” acid-water clusters, respectively.
DOI: ado7049
Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.ado7049