Title: High-temperature quantum valley Hall effect with quantized resistance and a topological switch
Author: Ke Huang, Hailong Fu, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Jun Zhu
Issue&Volume: 2024-07-18
Abstract: Edge states of a topological insulator can be used to explore fundamental science emerging at the interface of low dimensionality and topology. Achieving a robust conductance quantization, however, has proven challenging for helical edge states. Here we show wide resistance plateaus in kink states – a manifestation of the quantum valley Hall effect in Bernal bilayer graphene – quantized to the predicted value at zero magnetic field. The plateau resistance has a very weak temperature dependence up to 50 Kelvin and is flat within a dc bias window of tens of mV. We demonstrate the electrical operation of a topology-controlled switch with an on/off ratio of 200. These results demonstrate the robustness and tunability of the kink states and its promise in constructing electron quantum optics devices.
Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adj3742