Title: Brain ischemia causes systemic Notch1 activity in endothelial cells to drive atherosclerosis
Author: Mingming Liu, Danni Wang, Caiyun Qi, Ming Zou, Jiawei Song, Lili Li, Hengchang Xie, Honglei Ren, Hongying Hao, Guili Yang, Zixiao Li, Qiang Zhang, Jie Zhou, Ding Ai, Qiang Liu
Issue&Volume: 2024-07-29
Abstract: Stroke leads to persistently high risk for recurrent vascular events caused by systemicatheroprogression that is driven by endothelial cell (EC) activation. However, whetherand how stroke induces sustained pro-inflammatory and proatherogenic endothelial alterationsin systemic vessels remain poorly understood. We showed that brain ischemia inducespersistent activation, the upregulation of adhesion molecule VCAM1, and increasedsenescence in peripheral ECs until 4 weeks after stroke onset. This aberrant EC activityresulted from sustained Notch1 signaling, which was triggered by increased circulatingNotch1 ligands DLL1 and Jagged1 after stroke in mice and humans. Consequently, thisled to increased myeloid cell adhesion and atheroprogression by generating a senescent,pro-inflammatory endothelium. Notch1- or VCAM1-blocking antibodies and the geneticablation of endothelial Notch1 reduced atheroprogression after stroke. Our findingsrevealed a systemic machinery that induces the persistent activation of peripheralECs after stroke, which paves the way for therapeutic interventions or the preventionof recurrent vascular events following stroke.
DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2024.07.002
Source: https://www.cell.com/immunity/abstract/S1074-7613(24)00351-0