FoAR 可持续性、美感和权利之间的三角建筑关系模型 |
论文标题:A triangular architectural relation model among sustainability, beauty, and power
期刊:Frontiers of Architectural Research
作者:Ján Legény, Robert Špacek, Tomáš Hubinský, Lucia Benkovicová
发表时间:22 Feb 2024
DOI: 10.1016/j.foar.2024.02.011
建筑学 / 城乡规划 / 风景园林
本刊已被 A&HCI / CSCD / Scopus / DOAJ / CSTPCD 收录
01 论 文 题 目 Manuscript Title
A triangular architectural relation model among sustainability, beauty, and power
02 作 者 Authors
Ján Legény* , Robert Spacek, Tomas Hubinsky, Lucia Benkovicova
Faculty of Architecture and Design, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia
03 论 文 摘 要 Abstract
Sustainability, beauty, and power are notions that hit our contemporary perception every day. However, they have been an integral part of architecture and urban planning in various forms since the ages. The paper presents their fundamental descriptions, followed by an assessment of their mutual relations and impact on architecture through a triangular architectural relation model developed by the authors of the article. Using the theoretical thought experiment, it highlights eight boundary models along with their main characteristics, in particular, the implosion, explosion, shared-control, utilitarian, no-control, supremacy, inside-forced, and outside-forced architectural related models. Such models can help predict future events, explain past events, make decisions, and plan strategies, or reveal problems and propose new solutions. Other applications include determination of the causes of certain results or finding out the responsibility and mechanisms that led to them. The authors are of the opinion that the mutual denominator of sustainability, beauty, and power represents ethics that should be forced in architectural education and practice.
04 关 键 词 Keywords
Triangular architectural relation model / 三角建筑关系模型
Sustainability / 可持续性
Beauty / 美感
Power / 权力
Thought experiment / 思想实验
Interpretation / 阐释
05 章 节 标 题 Sections Title
1. Introduction / 引言
2. Sustainability, beauty, and power / 可持续性、美感与权力
2.1. Sustainability / 可持续性
2.2. Beauty / 美感
2.3. Power / 权力
3. Methodology / 研究方法
4. Results / 研究结果
4.1. Defining the models of interest / 定义目标模型
4.2. Three elemental examples of positive tension between two parameters within the triangular architectural relation model / 三角建筑关系模型中两个参数之间正张力的三个基本案例
4.2.1. Monuments and memorials / 纪念性建筑
4.2.2. Vernacular architecture / 乡土建筑
4.2.3. Military fortresses / 防御工事
4.3. Interpretation of two extreme triangular architectural relation models / 对两种极端三角建筑关系模型的阐释
4.3.1. Implosion model / 内爆模型
4.3.2. Explosion model / 外爆模型
4.4. Interpretation of six examined boundary models / 对六种已检测的边界模型的阐释
4.4.1. Shared-control model
4.4.2. Utilitarian model
4.4.3. No-control model
4.4.4. Supremacy model
4.4.5. Inside-forced model
4.4.6. Outside-forced model
5. Discussion / 探讨
6. Conclusion / 结论
06 主 要 插 图 Illustrations
▲ 图一:基本三角形模型:包含影响建筑(A)的可持续性(S)、美感(B)和权力(P)三个参数。红色虚线圈(C)描绘了建筑的集中度,并通过灰色虚线表示S、B和P之间相互关系的影响。正(+)/负(−)张力用黑色虚线表示。© 本文作者
▲ 图二:显示参数之间相互关系的27个边界模型。© 本文作者
▲ 图三:两个参数之间形成正张力的三个基本例子。© 本文作者
▲ 图四:内爆建筑模型(左)与外爆建筑模型(右)。© 本文作者
▲ 图五:三角建筑关系模型发展的视角:(左)三维四面体模型;(右)基于数据的三角测量。© 本文作者
▲ 图六:建筑师的作用。© 本文作者
07 作 者 介 绍 Authors’ Information
Ján Legény
Senior Researcher
Department of Architecture and Design
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
Ján Legény currently works as a researcher in the Institute of Ecological and Experimental Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture and Design at STU (FAD-STU). He has authored or co-authored scientific and professional articles on solar town planning, solar design, sustainability and architectural education, and the scientific monograph titled Solar Strategy of a Sustainable City. He participates in various inter/national research projects.
Robert Špa?ek
Department of Architecture and Design
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
Professor Robert Špa?ek graduated with a Master’s degree from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (FA-STU) in 1976, and in 1984, he finished doctoral studies. He has undertaken many research fellowships: in Weimar (1980), Hannover (1981-82), Manchester (1993-98, occasionally) and Graz (2001). He is a co-founder of the Institute of Ecological and Experimental Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia (1990). His appointments include the following: Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (1990-94 and 1996-2002), Vice-Rector of Slovak University of Technology (2003-2007), Head of the Institute of Architecture II at the Faculty of Architecture of Slovak University of Technology (2004-05). Since 2010, he has held a post of the Vice-Dean for Foreign Affairs and Human Resources, and is a member of the scientific board of FA-STU. He is a member of the editorial boards of several magazines.
Tomáš Hubinský
PhD student
Department of Architecture and Design
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
Lucia Benkovi?ová
Executive and Technical Editor / Publishing Assistant / Researcher
Department of Architecture and Design
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
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